Tarragon Balsamic Beets + Onions
Ingredients ½ tbsp olive oil 5 - 8 beets, peeled and quartered Pinch of sea salt 4 - 6 mini onions, tops removed and quartered (shallots would w... -
Red Curry Coconut Soup
Ingredients 1 tbsp coconut oil 1 bunch garlic scapes, minced (or 2-3 large cloves garlic, minced) 2 tbsp red curry paste 1 tbsp fresh grated gin... -
Pumpkin Soup with White Beans + Leeks
Ingredients 2 cups roasted pumpkin puree (or canned) 2 tbsp olive oil 3 leeks 3 garlic cloves, minced 4 cups cooked white beans 1 tbsp minced s... -
Potato Cabbage Curry
Ingredients 2 tsp oil ½ tsp sweet paprika ½ tsp sea salt Fresh Pepper 500g potatoes, washed and cut into small ½ inch pieces 1 tbsp coconut oil... -
Parsnip Squash + Pear Stew
Ingredients 4 tbsp olive oil, divided in two 600g butternut squash peeled, seeds removed and cut into pieces ½ inch thick 600g parsnip, peeled a... -
Pan Fried Daikon Buns
Makes 10 buns Ingredients For the bun dough 300g all purpose flour ¼ tsp sea salt 1 cup hot water For the filling 4 cups grated daikon, packed ... -
Sticky Onion and Turnip Tart - Adapted from Jamie Oliver
Ingredients 3 tbsp butter (I used vegan butter, you can also use regular or olive oil) 3 large sage leaves, minced 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar 2 ... -
Creamed Kale and White Beans
Ingredients 2 tbsp olive oil 1 small white onion, diced 3 cloves of garlic, minced 2 cans of white beans 1 cup cream 2 tbsp minced fresh oregano ... -
Shepherd’s Pie + Mashed Parsnip
Ingredients For the mashed parsnip 4 cups parsnip, peeled and roughly chopped ½ cup cream 2 tbsp butter ½ - 1 tsp sea salt (depending if your b... -
Soupe aux légumes verts au curry
Ingrédients 1 courge poivrée, rôtie 1 gros ou deux petits bok choy, hachés grossièrement 1 bouquet de feuilles de moutarde, hachées grossièr... -
Biscuits Rutabaga à la Sauge
Pour environ 10 biscuits Ingrédients 1 tasse de purée de rutabaga cuite ½ tasse de beurre non salé, coupé en cubes ou en petits m... -
Chou cajun et maïs
Ingrédients 2-3 épis de maïs décortiqués 1 botte (environ 5 feuilles) de chou vert, tiges enlevées et feuilles tranchées finement 1 g...
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